5 Topics 5 Questions 5 Outcomes

Meaning of Life

Essential question: What is the meaning of life? 

Outcome: Find a deep sense of fulfillment and gain clarity and direction over our thoughts, words, and actions.


Essential question: What is the nature of existence? 

Outcome: Foster a genuine sense of empathy.


Essential question: What is the nature of time?

Outcome: Find a profound connection to every moment.


Essential question: What is the nature of the mind?

Outcome: Find freedom from the binding power of thought.


Essential question: Who am I? What am I? 

Outcome: Recognize our true nature and entertain the possibility of complete and absolute freedom in life.


No paywall to keep you from the good stuff. These questions are what we arrive at in our talks, questions that often become tools that people use to find freedom in life.

    1. In any given moment, why am I doing what I’m doing? Why are others doing what they’re doing? Is there any reason other than happiness?

    2. Where do I think happiness lies? Is happiness in an object, experience, relationship, or thought?

    3. What is my definition of happiness? Based on that definition, how do my thoughts, words, and actions align?

    1. If all suffering relates to a past or future, what time-related thought is causing my suffering?

    2. How do I deaden or numb the moment by confining it to my concept of a past or future?

    3. When do all thoughts of the past or future take place? Can I be out of the moment?

    4. What is the quality, texture, or feel of my experience when I am wholly in the moment?

    1. What labels am I superimposing on a moment, situation, or person? Recognizing these labels, can I imagine what this moment, situation, or person would be without labels?

    2. What are my favorite labels to dwell on? What are subtle labels that have an effect on the way I view people, situations, or life?

    3. How do my labels cause separation, judgment, or suffering?

    4. How would my conduct consist of kindness, compassion, and love if I live free from labels?

    1. What are the perils of obedience? What are the perils of believing a thought without questioning it?

    2. Is there any statement that is 100% true? Is my current thought true? Can I absolutely know that it’s true?

    3. Is a thought the same as what it refers to? Dropping my belief in thoughts, what is life like?

    4. Do I want to be right or happy?

    1. Am I aware? What is aware before, during, and after a thought?

    2. Without reference to thought, who am I?

    3. What in my experience does not come and go?

    4. What size, shape, color, form, beginning, or end is there to awareness?